Specifically, Brussels should expand targeted sanctions on senior police and military officers most responsible for post-coup abuses and repression, including in relation to the elections, as well as military-owned or -linked companies. Such measures in this context send a useful signal about the EU’s values and principles, beyond whatever limited reputational or financial impact they may have. The EU has also provided support to regional and local peacebuilding efforts. It gave €1.9 million to a SAMIM Peacebuilding Support initiative for the period March-September 2022, which focused on building capacity among police and correctional services officers, empowering women and youth, and fostering dialogue among civic leaders. Deeper relations with the Gulf, for example, might open space for the EU to help relaunch or accompany regional dialogue.

  • Failed, as Russia and Western powers argued about whether to include language about the Russian peacekeepers.
  • Forward movement on this track would help as well to rejuvenate UAE-Iran bilateral talks, which started in 2019, and led to restoration of diplomatic ties in 2022.
  • The EU should take that opportunity to start discussing thorny issues with the Sudani government, including the ramifications of the failed effort to revive the Iran nuclear deal for regional security, and the Hashd’s future as a fixture of the Iraqi political and security landscape.

Social spending here excludes private social spending aimed at the same targets, even when the private spending is mandated by government. To be sure, private social spending can make important contributions toward a host of social goals. But the real controversies center on the government’s increasingly dominant role, and this book will stay focused accordingly. Human societies have always needed safety nets to catch those who end up in need, whether by unlucky endowments, by past mistakes, or by the arrival of hard times. Yet for most of human history, we have lacked the means, or the political will, to prevent or cushion them.

Enduring Issues Essay Global History and Geography Exam

Link the output of the first seven sub-systems of food systems with worker-owned cooperative sales outlets; these may be food shops, restaurants etc. The structure of a food system may become unsound when trade sub-system diverts it away from its proper purpose; this becomes especially pernicious when a yielder sub-system is expanded into already cultivated and unused arable how much is a short essay land to produce a cash crop for export. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common occurrence in countries where hunger and malnutrition is prevalent. If a structurally suitable food system is not used appropriately, that must be rectified as soon as possible. West African pea nut export that led to wide-spread protein malnutrition among children is an example of this.

list of enduring issues

Learn about the world’s worst crises and what can be done to help. Real-time monitoring of food systems for decisions to inform multiple stakeholders who make time-critical decisions to respond to variation and shocks. Ensure that food systems are more equitable and work for the world’s most marginalized producers, consumers and workers. Provide timely, adequate and nutritious emergency food relief for people affected by conflicts, including displaced people.

Keeping the Right Balance in Supporting Ukraine

Since then, intra-GCC reconciliation has progressed, albeit unevenly. Direct flights resumed, land borders reopened soon after the declaration was issued, and Doha and Riyadh re-established formal diplomatic relations. The two heads of state have subsequently met several times, and the countries have formed new institutional partnerships to encourage greater trade and investment. At the other end of the spectrum, dialogue between Qatar and Bahrain is almost non-existent, though Manama lifted visa restrictions on Qatari nationals in 2022, seemingly reflecting a desire to turn the page. In January, the UAE gathered the leaders of Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Egypt and Jordan in Abu Dhabi in what looked like another step toward intra-GCC reconciliation. Yet in spite of its turbulent domestic climate, the new government is intent on restoring Brazil’s status as a prominent voice on the international stage, while the country’s economic and geopolitical weight means that it could still make a major contribution to regional peace and stability.

At present, both feel that they can force the other side to back down through military means. Moscow may also hope that its airstrikes will break Ukrainians’ will and that the war’s price tag and the economic and energy uncertainty it creates will corrode support among Kyiv’s backers. Nearly a year since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, no clear path to peace is in sight. After trying and failing to take Kyiv in the first weeks of the war, Russia faced Ukrainian counteroffensives in the east and south starting in the late summer of 2022. Fighting is still concentrated in those areas, and for now the front lines are not moving much. Moscow has also been bombing cities across the country, in an attempt to deny Ukrainian civilians a sense of safety as well as heat, electricity and running water. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly invoked Russia’s nuclear capabilities in a manner that seems, among other things, intended to constrain the support Ukraine’s backers offer.

Results for global studies enduring issue

With both sides intent on prevailing by force, there is so far no prospect of a negotiated settlement. Efforts centred around a joint UN, AU and IGAD mediation track, known as the trilateral mechanism, and closed-door talks between civilian and military leaders marshalled by the coalition of Sudan’s partners known as the Quad, namely the U.S., the UK, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Ensure that FSN policies and programmes connect growing rural and urban food needs, including in small- and medium- size towns, to sustainable livelihoods in the countryside that appeal to young people. Develop policies that are targeted to helping people living with poverty in rural and urban areas to access nutritious food and healthier food environments. Ensure more equitable access to land and productive agricultural resources for small-scale producers who remain vital providers of food and food security in much of the less industrialized world. A salubrious climate is one of the three requirements for sustainability, an adequate water supply and soil fertility are the others.

New Visions Enduring Issues Tips and List

That requires injecting flexibility into its funding mechanisms to take account of the difficult choices aid workers make in response to worsening Taliban interference – including, at times, suspending operations. As Phase II talks move forward, the EU and member states should encourage the FFC elite who negotiated the new deal to undertake the coalition building necessary to put up a strong front in further negotiations with the military.

The EU should continue to develop its framework of sanctions focused on the military and its business interests. Brussels and member states should prepare to support the government that emerges from the dialogue. Signatory parties stand and raise signed copies of the agreement between military rulers and civilian powers in Khartoum, Sudan December 5, 2022. The EU should explore with Mozambican authorities whether talks with militants might be feasible, at least for information-gathering purposes.

Basic Questions

At the same time, the dispute is preventing elections to the regional parliament, which are six months overdue, while both parties are suppressing dissent in their respective zones. To top it all off, the autonomous Kurdistan region in Iraq’s north is undergoing its most severe political crisis since the Kurdish civil war in the mid-1990s.

Prior to this export which was carried out on the recommendation of World Bank and IMF to raise national GDP, an ample supply of pea nuts was available to people at a low cost. Moreover, it is time the authorities and experts ask themselves the obvious; would anybody with a vestige of intelligence engage in food trade if it already did not have a value?

Enduring Issues Essay Guide

We support over 60 health facilities and provide information and training sessions about COVID-19. In recent years, the IRC has become a leader in women’s protection and empowerment in Afghanistan. The IRC relaunched its programs in Sudan in 2019, which currently include water and sanitation services and integrated protection support for women and child refugees. The IRC also builds and rehabilitates health facilities to provide reproductive health care and facilitate the treatment and prevention of communicable diseases, including COVID-19.

list of enduring issues

The exploration and exploitation of the commodity led to the pollution of the area. This affected the occupation of the people as farmlands and rivers were damaged by oil spillages with no meaningful remediation activities carried out by the oil firms and no infrastructural projects were built to pacify list of enduring issues the people. This prompted Adaka Boro, a very courageous Ijaw man, to declare the Republic of Niger Delta in 1966 in an armed struggle that was routed by the military government. Ken Saro Wiwa, another illustrious Niger Deltan took over the struggle for the development of the region with his pen.

Enduring Issues List and How to Identify an Enduring Issue

Soon, humans developed early methods of food preservation like smoking meat and drying seeds, which raised the importance of its storage. Thus, food storage in a hollow of a tree and in a modern refrigerated facility serve the same basic function. Transport sub-system; its emergence as a component of a food system seems to be contemporaneous with the formation of family groups and dawning of cooking. Greater security and improved taste of food are the motivators of its appearance. One should not overlook the fact that food carried on somebody’s back and in a refrigerated aeroplane are merely technically different but generically identical instances of transport sub-system. The yielder sub-system; when man appeared on earth, this was simply his environment as it is for other living things. Invention of agriculture and/or animal husbandry represent using a part of our environment to produce one or more of selected species.

  • Out of parliament, paving the way for the pro-Iran factions among the Shiite parties to form a government.
  • There are a multitude of enduring issues and sometimes we can discover new ones that don’t fall under the core enduring issues that we usually examine.
  • • The federal government should scrap the interventionist agencies like the NDDC and the Niger Delta Ministry and take over the development of the region directly as it did in Abuja rather than disbursing funds to the enemies of the region.
  • Apart from its higher echelons, other workers in food systems are ill paid while in affluent countries, some of them are subsidised by their government.

They have watched with alarm as Iran embarked on a nuclear program and, following the popular uprisings in Arab countries in 2011, used the turmoil to back non-state armed actors from the Huthis in Yemen to paramilitaries in Iraq to project its power in the Middle East. A secondary conflict driver has been competing visions of the role of Islam in politics, which provoked a bitter quarrel between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, on one hand, and Qatar (backed by Türkiye), on the other. The latter had supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise in Arab countries affected by the uprisings, threatening the interests of the former set of countries, particularly in Egypt.

Secondly, the EU should try to jump-start the stalled peace negotiations, which have been overshadowed by the September fighting and the crisis over the Lachin corridor. In particular, it should push for direct talks between Stepanakert and Baku, as it did (along with the U.S.) when negotiations were advancing in 2022. It should articulate to Azerbaijan the importance of keeping space open for talks on the security and rights of ethnic Armenians, given their sense of exposure after 30 years of conflict and the brutal 2020 war that killed and displaced thousands.

list of enduring issues